Jamie is doing great again - she finally has her spunk back and looking great again!! YEAH
She is easing back into sports at school - has track and soccer going on at the same time - she has a game tomorrow but since she hasn't practiced yet - she is not going to this one and we will see about next week - Marcus is trying to help her with strength training at home - fun to see them at it together - Marcus is tough on her if she isn't doing it right - fun to watch - and by the way I need to do it also - can't keep up with either one - I think that I am aging some :(
Mike leaves on Senior Serve with the church group on Tuesday - 13 seniors and 4 adults to Texas to build fences and do a little site seeing - should be a good time and warm weather!
Jamie asked grandpa Dale to go on Daddy date night for Gems Tuesday night since Mike leaves at 5:30 and the date starts at 7 - grandpa was thrilled - it's a Mexican theme!
Jamie has Easter break Thur, Fri, and Mon. - Marcus has break Fri and Mon. - both are looking forward to that as well.
We have Good Friday service Friday night and Easter dinner by Mom on Sunday. Mike cames home on Monday sometime.
Wishing everyone a very BLESSED EASTER!