Monday, February 22, 2010

Vanessa's Birthday Today!

It's Vanessa's Birthday Today(Monday) but we celebrated yesterday with family and friends!
This is before church - we took the cake to Grandpa and Grandma's house for lunch after church

Sawyer took a picture with Vanessa

She got a John Deere sweatshirt from grandpa and grandma

Here is the gang - we did a number on the cake - was very good - Vanessa leaves for Hawaii on Wednesday for her YFU trip - so her cake was a Hawaiin theme - she is very excited and is looking very forward to being WARM again!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Winter Festival at school!

Tonight is the Winter Festival at Rock Valley Christian School. Since I am an eighth grade mom we get to help with serving the supper - It's seems like just yesterday that Marcus was starting Kindergarten there and now Jamie will be graduating in a few months and we will no longer have any children going there WOW - time flies - we have had many last this year - last time for chapel at the beginning of the year - last time I needed to help with Pie day and Jog-a-thon - last time for helping with the Winter Festival - but with all the last there will be many firsts as well - just the next step for us on our journey.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowman Day!

We decided Sunday afternoon that everyone needed to help make a snowman - so we all got dressed for the weather and headed out!
He turned out to be really cute and one thing lead to another and the fun began!!!

First a snowball fight and then Mike tackled Marcus and yeah you see what happened!

Well, Marcus couldn't let that be the end - so it continued!

I sure was glad I had the camera - we all had a great time and got some much needed fresh air!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sorry it's been awhile!

Marcus was Referee Pitman at the big show - here he called a false start on Jim Boogerd - everyone laughed and laughed and laughed - Jim didn't know what to do - it was funny.
He was quite the comedian - loved it - he played his role well!!

I'm still here just a bit busy this week :

Monday: Jamie and Mike went to hunter's safety course - Vanessa, Marcus and I had Big show rehearsal at church.

Tues: Jamie has volleyball practice and we were moving some stuff for the big show yet and finalizing details

Wed: Big show - at church by 3:30-4 oclock - it was a huge success and lots of fun our theme this year was tail-gate party - clean up and home by 10

Thur: Jamie had a basketball game in Sioux Center - and then we had a belt project for church to help with Christian education chapter so we all went from 6 till 9

Fri: Vanessa went to Des Moines for the weekend for a global exchange program brought her to Spencer - Jamie had basketball practice and then came home with 3 other girls for supper and movie - Marcus went to a movie with the guys

Sat: Marcus is taking his ACT test today - Jamie has end of year basketball tournament in Orange City - Vanessa still in Des Moines - Mike is walking Paco now and I am getting ready so we can leave when he gets back - Western plays basketball in Sioux Falls tonight.

We are at a busy time but just loving it - the kids are great to follow and so glad that they like to hang out here - they came over last night and requested spaghetti - since they had tournament today and they needed carbs - so I went to the grocery store and Mike and I made spaghetti for them all - it was great!