Thursday, May 21, 2009

It is Official!!!!

Jamie's last day of school today and she has been measuring herself with me all year long - well the final day of school and yes she made it - she is as tall if not a bit taller then her mother - it's a great day for Jamie and I quess I will be the short one from now on!!! (not the skinny one just the short one)


Ladene said...

Just stand up a little straighter--Take a deep breath-pull in the stomach--maybe -just maybe you can pass her by 1/8 of an inch.

School is out. Now what for the rest of the summer? Is Jammie going to do all your housework so you can do more painting and running around?


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

How does it feel to be the shrimp in the family? I have not yet experienced that. Maybe when I am old and in a wheel chair.hehe

Have fun this summer. I'm working on it. Sun would be nice though. 4 days in FL and I haven't seen it yet. What's up with that? If I was here on vacation I would really be bummed.