Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our baby is a teenager today!

JAMIE IS 13 TODAY - she is babysitting this girl with her in the picture today and then has volleyball camp at dordt - then so is taking a suba diving class at the pool and then maybe her dad and mom will get to spend some time with her tonight - she loves life and loves it busy - so this is all good - her brother is still gone but was the first one to wish her a happy birthday this morning - he called just when I needed to wake her up so I let him wake her up!! Have a great Tuesday everyone. Life is Good and God continues to bless us daily!


Ladene said...


Sounds like you are keeping busy with fun things, and you poor mother on the run to get you where you have to be.

What's this scooba diving thing? Sound intersting, but it would never had been my pick.

Have a great day.

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

I don't know where she would have gotten that love for a busy life from?

Happy Birthday, Girl! Life is just beginning.

Kryna said...

Happy Happy Birthday! Thirteen is great fun! ....as are most years!