Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Shopping

Mom and I went to Sioux Falls today and did some Christmas shopping - we had a great time and are ALMOST finished - we left at 8:15 and got home around 5pm. We made a BIG day of it and my feet are sore tonight - I am going to go soak in a hot bath for awhile - hope you are all cozy inside and we wish you a very Blessed Christmas - we are starting get togethers on Saturday night this weekend with friends and our church program is Sunday night and then its Christmas week :)


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Good for you. That's pretty impressive to get almost finished in one day. Took me 3 and I was alone. Merry Christmas to you all!

Ladene said...

Have some great holiday parties. Is the picture just a picture or is it some of your relation? I'm glad you like to shop, cuz that's sone thing I can do withut.

I could have taken dad to the home this week, but I asked to do it after the holidays. Ok? Maybe the first of the New Year. It scares me. Hope we have no problems, but honestly it is just becoming too much work for me, continually. It's nice to have Vicky come 2 mornings- but I'm not resting during that time. I'm out taking care of business. I must trust God for more strength.

Elroy and Leroy are coming in this week end. They want to visit with him one more time before he goes to the h0me.