Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Another Snow Day

All the kids got out of school today at 12:30 - Jamie got off the bus at a friends and Marcus and Vanessa were home - I was doing book work and Marcus was scooping - I called him to come to the door and I had him throw Vanessa in the snow - she is getting a good look at it since she hasn't experienced this before - she was not too impressed.
I of course thought it was quite funny!!!

A bit later - she put more clothes on and then played in the snow for awhile - I do believe she is going to miss snow when back in Brazil!!


Ladene said...

Poor Vanessa, being pushed into the snow. Looks like it all ended well, but it was a rude awaking for her.

Does Brazil ever get snow? Is the snow you are getting this winter the first she ever saw?

I remember Uncle Garrett's kids when they first saw snow, after being in Arabia all their young life.

Stay safe and warm.

Mike and Belinda said...

Brazil never gets snow - yes this is her first time ever seeing it and she thinks its beautiful but extremely cold - they are south of the equator so never even gets cold there - to her 50 degrees is cold - wow is she ever lucky we chose her :)

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

That is a bunch of snow. Just like when we were kids. Snow can be tons of fun when you do not have to drive in it and stuff. Enjoy what you can.