Friday, July 16, 2010

This past week's events!!

This one is a bit older - this is when we rode 25 miles around Okoboji on the last Saturday in June - from back to front is Marcus, Brandalyn Van Zee, Jamie, Hope and Emily De Ruyter.
These next three are of the tractor pull - Extreme Pleasure is a big tractor and they took a lawn mower and made a little model of the big one and they let Sawyer drive it around for awhile - he was pumped and had to put on his extreme pleasure t-shirt before he drove it - was quite cute.

Josie working with Jamie

Jamie's turn to look :) - the food booth took in $14,000 the first night - I'm sure about the same the next - we were busy all night - is fun though.

Marcus had his senior pictures taken on Monday - Jamie snapped a few with our camera - I will get some proofs soon and share with you then

We did inside and out - was fun and only took 2 hours - not bad!!

And then the hair was gone the next day - he is now at Northwestern Football camp until tomorrow and is probably glad his hair is gone since it is quite warm here this week.

He was way excited to go - I texted him this morning and he said he is sore all over - which is good means they are working hard and having a great time - Mike and I are going to go and watch them scrimmage tonight - I'm excited too - should be a great time.


Ladene said...

What a busy family. Love the pictures. MY--taking in 14,000 in one night. People arn't going hungry, that's for sure.

I'm sure Marcus will like camp, although the weather is very hot to be practiing so hard. Take care.

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Love keeping up with you guys. The tractor pull thing is amazing.
It has been so blooming hot and humid here also.