Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sledding at Inspiration Hills

Sunday afternoon Mike, Jamie, and myself bundled up and went to Inspiration Hills to go sledding - they have a nice set up there and are only open on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
It was a chilly day but if you dressed for it - it was fine - we actually kept warm from the workout - so all was good !!

Here Jamie is coming down - fast - she had snow pants on but as you can see they are almost capris on her - not quite long enough anymore but they still kept her warm and dry!!

Mike waving as he flies by also!!

This was the nice part - our arms were sore from hanging onto the rope but so nice to be pulled up the hill instead of having to hike it back up everytime!
We had a great time and felt so good to get some fresh air for a change - we will for sure have to do this again sometime soon.


Ladene said...

What fun. Does Mike remember when we used to go to the Alton golf course? Only thing we went on tabogans.

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Looks like fun but not sure I could handle the cold. Don't think my antifreeze is set for IA anymore.