Monday, August 22, 2011

Fun weekend!!!

Friday night - Western Wolfpack had their first football game of the season(yes before school even started) THey won in double overtime 25-24 against Sx City North - it was SO FUN!!! Saturday Mike and I canned 14 jars of spaghetti sauce, 6 more jars of pickles and made potato salad - cleaned up kitchen and then we went to Alcester steakhouse for supper - was wonderful!!!

Sunday we went to visit Marcus at Northwestern and bring him another truck load from home!! Here are some pics of his dorm room. His bunk is the top one (so proud it was even made!!!) we took him a piece of carpet......

a couch....

hammer and nails so he could hang up his white board...

a better office chair and some chips and salsa to share with his friends!!

We took him out for supper to Quiznos and then headed back home but not before a quick pic with sis....

Can tell Marcus has been outside lots this past week - 3 practices a day and a nice tan and smile on his face..... and then today

Jamie went off to school for the beginning of her sophmore year!!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jamie's birthday present!

Jamie took golf at Western last year and she golfed with Marcus' clubs - her coach told her she needed longer clubs(she has LLLOOONNNGGG legs) so her dad bought her some for her birthday this year!!

They are long womens clubs and so far she is hitting the ball pretty well - I have a feeling in a year or two she might be beating her mom and dad - for sure her mom that is!!

She had a few people over and they were glad to be on the pictures with her showing off her clubs- FUN TIMES!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Awesome Garden Day!!

Mike, Jamie and I went down to the garden early on Saturday morning and then we got busy - we froze sweet corn, made potato salad with fresh potatoes and onions from the garden, then we canned spaghetti sauce with the fresh tomatoes, peppers, and onions and then after dinner.......

We went to the other garden and picked pickles and canned dill pickles and made a cucumber dip for crackers!!! We had an awesome day and everyone helped and it was very rewarding. Fun memories made and we keep learning new things which is always good too!!!

These are sweet pickles that we did last week with the cucumbers - I need to find a good place to store all my jars that are filled if we keep this up!!!