Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jamie's birthday present!

Jamie took golf at Western last year and she golfed with Marcus' clubs - her coach told her she needed longer clubs(she has LLLOOONNNGGG legs) so her dad bought her some for her birthday this year!!

They are long womens clubs and so far she is hitting the ball pretty well - I have a feeling in a year or two she might be beating her mom and dad - for sure her mom that is!!

She had a few people over and they were glad to be on the pictures with her showing off her clubs- FUN TIMES!!


Ladene said...

Yea- that girl has long legs. Hope she does well golfing. That is a sport you can do most of your life.

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

What a great gift. Sure she will get years of use out of them. She looks pretty happy about it.