Sunday, December 7, 2008

Successful Deer Hunt!!

Patrick and Marcus with the deer stand in background that they hunted out of!
Patrick's deer on left and Marcus' on right!! - Great job guys!

During the hunt in the deer stand.

Marcus had a 115 yard shot and nailed him and Patrick had a 140 yard shot and also nailed it!

Took a few pictures today also - Jamie got in on the deal.(The stand that they shot the deer out of is in the backgroud.)

The proud fathers with their boys (which aren't really boys anymore - I should say young men)


Ladene said...

Good job Marcus. Hearou are going to donate you hunt to the needy. What a guy! Sure looking forward to seeing you guys in a short time.

Ladene said...

Sorry to see all the mistakes I made in my comment. I will try better next time.