Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Variety of PICS

It was a fun weekend of kids, kids, kids at the Altena household - Jamie recieved a 100' long landscaping tarp for her birthday last year which we use for a slip n slide in our backyard - this is one gift that has been used ALOT and they love it - wow - who would have known - she had 6 friends over on Saturday and slid away - we put the garden hose on it and then buy dish soap which they put all over their bodies to go faster and away they go!!

Marcus had 15 friends (boys and girls) over on Friday and did the slip n slide and then had a bond fire and roasted hot dogs and smores on the fire - they also had a great time.

We have been feeding and watching Baltimore Orioles all week on our deck - very beautiful birds - we feed them oranges and grape jelly - they come and go all day long.

Jamie had her piano recital this week and did an excellent job - I taped the whole thing with my camera and have been trying all afternoon to try and upload it onto this blog and yeah - i didn't succeed - so here is a pic - sorry about that and we'll see if I can figure it out sometime.


Ladene said...

What fun! That slip and slide is being enjoyed by all. We had orioles too this year, but never feed them, so I think they left. Didn't know they like grape jelly. I'm sure Jamies recital went well.

Ladene said...

That home of your's looks like a mansion on the hill.