Monday, August 25, 2008

Football Season is here!

Marcus is excited about football this year and so are we. He had his Gatorade intersquad scrimmage on Friday night and the first game of the season is this Friday Aug 29 at home again SouthO'Brien. He plays JV but will suit up for all the Varsity games as well. The mothers feed the team and coaches on Thursday evenings before games on Friday - so at the scrimmage we all had to sign up and I picked this week so then I will be finished for the year with that :) We have 6 moms every Thursday and we all are taking this week a pan of lasagna, 2 loaves of garlic bread, 2 gallons of milk and a jelly roll pan of bars - sure hope these 65 boys get enough to eat!!
Marcus' first day of school today and Jamie's on her third day already - sure is quiet in the house again - Paco is sleeping and I am getting ready to go and paint - Have a great day!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School shopping :)

I promised Jamie and her friend Josie that I would take them school shopping before school starts - well school starts on Thursday for them - so yes I need to get that done here real soon - we are either going Tues afternoon and evening or Wednesday all day - wish me luck - I am kinda looking forward to it - shopping is fun for me and now I am taking two girls - that could be a little dangerous but I will try and do my best. Like I tell Mike - someone has to do it :)

Marcus starts school next Monday and he is practicing football daily already for the past two weeks. He has an intersquad scrimmage on Friday evening and I am looking really forward to that too. Fall is such a wonderful time of year!!

Monday, August 11, 2008


We are in full swing of cucumber season here. Wondering if anyone has some good recipes for cucumbers - we have so many I'm not sure what to do with them anymore. Please any advice would be great!!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

The life of Paco

Paco wakes up with me every morning and takes a walk at 5:30 = he relieves himself and is happy as ever every morning to be outdoors running circles around me. Then we get home and he gets a treat and patiently waits for me to make the bed so he can go back to bed for the rest of the morning. He runs a little at noon and then walks the gardens and runs around in the evening on the yard with Mike and he gets fed and watered and bathed and combed and yes life is extremely good as you can see in the pic he is rather content!!! LIFE IS RUFF!!!

But as you can see life is extremely good for Jamie as well - this is Monday evening (her birthday) and she is having cake and ice cream with 7 boys who are 15 and 16 years old - WOW - she has is made too :)