Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Christian Education Week

It was Christian Education Week last week and the RV Chr School ended the week with a big open house on Friday. Each class did special activities all morning - Jamie and her friend Alycia Bonestroo - explains Napiers techniques in math - wow she is alot smarter than I ever was or will be. It was a fun morning to see what they do all the time is great!

Also visited the preschool room with my two nephews in it. The one on the left is Bryce of Becky and Terry and the one on the right is Sawyer of Brad and Kerri. They are something else when they get together - all boy and all fun - what a fun age!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday Project #2

We woke up to 28 degrees and a little snow on the ground this morning but now it's warming up and we put out our bird feeders and Mike is fertilizing the lawn. It's too wet to cut trees today so we'll have to wait and see what next week brings for that!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Saturday Project #1

We have a back corner to our lot that we never developed yet and that is one of our first projects for the season - we took out a fence on Saturday and cleaned up all the junk and then we had a fire to get rid of all the tall weeds and grasses - it was a perfect day with very little wind and it burned beautifully. We had our faithful firefighters ready though with buckets of water from the creek - but we never had to use them. It's fun getting started to work outdoors again - our next project is 2 huge trees that need to come down - I will post on that later!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thanks Evonne

Evonne is coming to my rescue and helping me learn about this blogging world - I'm caughting on - hopefully we will have some fun stuff to play with now and I can change things every once in awhile!!! I will play again changing it later - need to go pick up some sticks now - we had 40 mile an hour winds here yesterday and had just a FEW twigs fall!!! :)

Is it legal to kill robins?

These are my two flower pots outside my front entry. As I sit here all I hear is a pecking on my window - a STUPID robin trying to get inside and as he sits there you can see what he is doing - making an awful mess!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone have any solutions for us?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wow - they change fast!!

Top two pics are very recently - and bottom two are from '05 - WOW. Marcus use to ask what was for supper - now he is asking for a car and what time do I need to be home. Jamie use to not care at all what she was wearing, etc. and now is painting her nails and doing her hair. Things are changing fast around here lately - but all good - sometimes I would like to freeze them for awhile though - it keeps going faster it seems and yeah - WOW.
And - yes we are going to try and grow the BIG pumpkins again this year - we are getting excited about the spring - I'm sure it is on it's way - just taking a little bit longer this year.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Did you know that for the last 15 Mondays - it has snowed in Iowa? Marcus and Jamie didn't have school again on Monday - it started to rain at 7am - turned into snow at 7:30 - all the buses were out and they turned them around and brought the kids back home - VERY ICY. It's almost all gone again and we are very hopeful this time it will stay away till fall again. The weather is suppose to be in the 60's by the weekend - hard for me to believe but we will see. Have a great day!