Monday, April 21, 2008

Saturday Project #1

We have a back corner to our lot that we never developed yet and that is one of our first projects for the season - we took out a fence on Saturday and cleaned up all the junk and then we had a fire to get rid of all the tall weeds and grasses - it was a perfect day with very little wind and it burned beautifully. We had our faithful firefighters ready though with buckets of water from the creek - but we never had to use them. It's fun getting started to work outdoors again - our next project is 2 huge trees that need to come down - I will post on that later!!


Ladene said...

Boy, that sure looks good. Your back yard has really changed. Is the wooden fence your neigbors, and is it new?

Mike and Belinda said...

The wooden fence is the neighbors - to hide all his junk he has piled up by his chicken coop.

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Looks like you all had a good time even while getting all that work done. It does feel good though doesn't it?