Saturday, August 29, 2009

Potatoes are good this year!

This has been the best year ever for Mike's potatoes - they are big and good and very plentiful. I asked him yesterday to go get me 5 lbs. so I could make some potato salad today - he only dug up one plant and I have more than enough - this picture is the biggest so far and he has only dug up about 1/3 of them so far. Each plant so far is producing at least 6-9 big potatoes and then many smaller ones. Well, now I better get busy making some potato salad - have a great weekend!!

Marcus' football team won 47-6 against South O'Brien last night - awesome game and Marcus played well - he is a little sore this morning but all is good - no pain - no gain ;)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Marcus and Jamie's first days!

Jamie's first day was yesterday(Tuesday) - their theme this year at RVCS is Signs of Faith and they will have different signs every month with a theme verse - this is their t-shirts for the year and all were required to wear them on the first day - neat to see all the kids in the same shirts!

I get the "bad mom of the year" award for this one - this is actually Marcus' second day - first time EVER that I did not take his picture on the first day of school and he didn't want to put his clothes back on after football for me to take it then either - so this is his second day of school - he said it didn't matter and I guess it doesn't - but I must be getting older - WOW - he has his first varsity football game this Friday night at South O'Brien - we are excited!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Challenge Time

We have been enjoying our sweet corn out of the garden - the other night we were finishing up and there was one piece left - Mike challenged Marcus that he couldn't eat it in 30 seconds - Marcus accepted and away he went munching on the corn!

His mouth was extremely full at the end of the 30 seconds but there wasn't much corn left on the cob and we didn't have any left overs!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Vanessa's first day of school in USA

This is Vanessa Celin - our foreign exchange student staying with us this year from Brazil. She is starting school today and was quite nervous this morning. She arrived her on August 5 - she speaks very little English but has come along way since she has arrived. School will be quite challenging this first month with the language barrier but she is young and hopefully catches on quickly.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Jamie is doing good!

Jamie's surgery was very successful - she was a real trooper - the tonsils were scarred - so doc said it was good they came out - he could tell she had had many problems with them :) - he also took her adenoids they were not too big but since he was in there he took them out as well.
She fought a bit to come out of it - she kept saying "I can't wake up" - but once she woke she was fine - we got home around 1:30pm.
She was hungry and ate some pudding and popsicles and by 4 o'clock she was eating a bowl of cereal - when she woke this morning she was a bit sore but now that the pain meds are working she is OK again - YEAH!
I know that they say day 4-10 could be the worse but as of now she is doing really well - hope this continues and so glad we are this far. Thanks for all your concerns for her and she is enjoying movie time(she got two new ones already as gifts - spoiled rotten).

Monday, August 10, 2009

Surgery is scheduled

Jamie is going to have her tonsils taken out on Thursday and if she has any adenoids in there they are taking them as well :) - We are scheduled to be at the hospital in town her at 6:30 and surgery should be around 8am - takes about a short hour and then recovery will begin - YEAH - I am excited and hope this helps her feel better all year long. She is being a great sport about it and she is usually a really good patient when sick so I am thinking she is going to breeze right through - as she said last night -"noone knows how badly I felt when I had mono mom - it can't get much worse than that!"
If all looks good we should be home shortly after dinner on Thursday!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Our sweet Jamie

Our sweet Jamie has a sore throat AGAIN - I had her in three weeks ago and here we go again - her glands are all swollen - Doc walked into the room and first thing he said is "is it time to take them out" and I said yes - Jamie is seeing a specialist tomorrow at 12:45 to see if this would be the best for her to have her tonsils taken out and possibly before school starts yet as well - we will keep you all updated - Doc says this would be the best for her with her history of strep, mono, tonsilitis, etc., etc., etc.........
Will let you know how appointment goes!!