Monday, May 31, 2010

Graduation 2010

Kayla Hoogendoorn - Abby Pollema and Jamie getting ready for pictures
Abby - Tairin - Josie - Alissa and Jamie -- what a good looking bunch!!!!!!

Pictures from after the ceremony - proud Grandpa and Grandma

Teri Bretey and her girls came from Le Mars and surprised Jamie(very sweet)

Brandalyn Van Zee and Jamie

Amanda Dykstra (Jamie's cousin and teacher)

The whole gang - was a great evening and we are very excited for Jamie and Marcus to have a year in high school together!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Graduation chapel and open house

This was at chapel on Friday - This is the banner and Jamie's closest friends - Josie Kollis, Alissa Pollema, Jamie, Tairin Van Tol, and Abby Pollema
These students achieved the Presidential Academic Award - they had a GPA of B+ or higher in grades 6-7-8 Jamie is way on the right side.

This is her cake we served at her open house on Sunday - this is their theme verse for graduation.

Love this picture - Jamie - Brandalyn Van Zee - Vanessa - Austin Van Zee and Marcus. The Van Zee's have been our friends forever and our kids get along really well. I am actually taking Brandalyn, Vanessa, Jamie and her friend Josie Kollis to the Mall of America on Friday and Saturday. Girls weekend :) Vanessa is SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED - this is her request before she goes home on June 22nd.

Josie had her party also on Sunday - we went there right after Jamie's - they are going to have fun in high school together!!! Congrats young ladies!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19th - WOW

Just another Prom picture - these three have the same ties - just in different colors

Jacob Granstra - Marcus and Brandon Van't Hul

Well - just yesterday is seemed like May 1st - time is speeding lately here!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Monday - we had the Dordt track meet for Jamie - I am staining some windows in Sx Center this week - so left at 9am did windows - track started at noon(same time we finished with windows :)) - then Jamie had a volleyball party with moms in Hull got home at 10

Tues - did windows in morning - quick Walmart run - got gray roots taken care of - thanks Kerri - then went to our last Jog-a-thon as school - set up at 2 - clean-up finished about 9

Today and tomorrow- windows and then hopefully start cleaning up around home since haven't been here much lately

Friday - finish up windows in Sx Center - then we are helping with the 8th grade party at the campground in the evening - so going to set that up at noon and the 8th graders have their farewell chapel at 2:30 - Mike and I will be asked to stand since it's our last child at the grade school :0

Saturday - back to Sx center to pick up Jamie's cake for her graduation party here on Sunday and we have 4 graduation parties to go to (I love cake)

Sunday - party for Jamie here and have two other parties to hit this day also (more cake)

I think I might have to start walking twice a day for awhile since we will be eating lots of cake in the next week!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Marcus in track

This is Marcus at the Sibley/Ocheydan meet throwing shot put - he did really well throwing this day - got his best throw for the year in Discus and did well in shot put as well!
Track is over this week and he had a good time but keeps talking bout football - last night he said football never ended for him and he can't wait for the season to start - we are really excited for him as football will be here before we know it.
Went to his track meet in Le Mars last night and I felt like I was at a football game (long johns, under armor, winter coat, two blankets, etc.etc.etc.) it was 45 degrees outside - he thought it was perfect for running :)