Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Graduation chapel and open house

This was at chapel on Friday - This is the banner and Jamie's closest friends - Josie Kollis, Alissa Pollema, Jamie, Tairin Van Tol, and Abby Pollema
These students achieved the Presidential Academic Award - they had a GPA of B+ or higher in grades 6-7-8 Jamie is way on the right side.

This is her cake we served at her open house on Sunday - this is their theme verse for graduation.

Love this picture - Jamie - Brandalyn Van Zee - Vanessa - Austin Van Zee and Marcus. The Van Zee's have been our friends forever and our kids get along really well. I am actually taking Brandalyn, Vanessa, Jamie and her friend Josie Kollis to the Mall of America on Friday and Saturday. Girls weekend :) Vanessa is SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED - this is her request before she goes home on June 22nd.

Josie had her party also on Sunday - we went there right after Jamie's - they are going to have fun in high school together!!! Congrats young ladies!!


Ladene said...

What wonderful pictures of such a memorable celebration.

That was a beautiful cake and an excellentt theme. So true, and you guys have been doing a great job.

Jamie stand so erect. She looks so happy. Congratulations, Jamie, on the Pred. Academic award. Good for you. And what a deal--going to the Mall of America. I'm sure Vanesa is really**** excited.

The last picture looks like a proud and happy father. I don't blame him. You have two great kids.

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Have fun in the big city. Spending time with your kids is worth every minute.

Kryna said...

Congratulations Jamie!