Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19th - WOW

Just another Prom picture - these three have the same ties - just in different colors

Jacob Granstra - Marcus and Brandon Van't Hul

Well - just yesterday is seemed like May 1st - time is speeding lately here!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Monday - we had the Dordt track meet for Jamie - I am staining some windows in Sx Center this week - so left at 9am did windows - track started at noon(same time we finished with windows :)) - then Jamie had a volleyball party with moms in Hull got home at 10

Tues - did windows in morning - quick Walmart run - got gray roots taken care of - thanks Kerri - then went to our last Jog-a-thon as school - set up at 2 - clean-up finished about 9

Today and tomorrow- windows and then hopefully start cleaning up around home since haven't been here much lately

Friday - finish up windows in Sx Center - then we are helping with the 8th grade party at the campground in the evening - so going to set that up at noon and the 8th graders have their farewell chapel at 2:30 - Mike and I will be asked to stand since it's our last child at the grade school :0

Saturday - back to Sx center to pick up Jamie's cake for her graduation party here on Sunday and we have 4 graduation parties to go to (I love cake)

Sunday - party for Jamie here and have two other parties to hit this day also (more cake)

I think I might have to start walking twice a day for awhile since we will be eating lots of cake in the next week!!

1 comment:

Ladene said...

If you get any busier you'll meet yourself coming back. What a schedule, but so much fun.

Nice picture. I file them under the kids year and name, but must admit, don' t look at them often enough.

KEEP UP BLOGGING. That's one of the main reasons I have internet, is to keep up with family news and pictures.