Thursday, February 5, 2009


Here is how we had the tables decorated - Can't see much of it but our theme was Redneck and Blue Collar comedy - we had a great time and good southern food - Pulled pork on a bun, potato salad and baked beans and pecan pie for dessert. On the tables when people arrived we had peanuts in the shell and Texas cavier with chips.
This is Steve and Bonnie's daughter - she is second from the left - these girls did a country line dance during the show and did an awesome job!!

Marcus was in a skit that they lipsang a song - "Play me some Mountain Music - he had a violin and was pretending to play it - my mother was very proud of this skit there were 6 boys in it and they all wore my dad's western shirts - pretty cool

Mike and I did a skit as well and as you can see we dressed up like old people and told a joke it was quite comical and Mike got me through it - it was a little out of my comfort zone to be in front of that many people talking but it went very well and yes I did survive!!!
We raised over $4000 that evening for the young peoples at church and had a fun evening!!


Ladene said...

Say, but that fun night looked awesome. You folk put a lot of work into it. Glad ou made $ 4,000Looks like fun was had by all.

Ladene said...

I thought I read the blog before I published it----but it sure doesn't look it.