Monday, September 21, 2009

It could look like one of these will have gone thru the house by the end of this week.
Monday - Jamie runs cross-country in Orange City - back to town and the 8th graders are serving breakfast at school on Tuesday so to school to set up - Mike is mowing
Tuesday - Jamie has volleyball game - my turn to drive and then they want to go to Western home volleyball game.
Wed - we start small groups for CREW (Young Peoples at church) - supper and movie with the high-schoolers at the campground
Thur - Jamie has volleyball in Sioux Center and since in Sx Center better make a Walmart run
Fri - Mike and I are volunteering to help with fund raiser from 1:30-3pm in afternoon for Feed My Starving Children and then Marcus plays football in Spirit Lake.
Saturday - hope to sleep in and then I better maybe do some laundry and look at next weeks schedule :) - Jamie has kick-off for Youth Roc (8th and 9th graders at church) and we have our neighborhood picnic.
Sunday - dinner at Mom and Dad Pollemas and then family picture with all of them - Mom wants to have a picture updated since hers is out-dated and after that I am going to take a NAP!!
Loving life and living it fast lately but all is well and everyone is healthy so much to be thankful for - Have a great week!!

1 comment:

Ladene said...


Your kids and other activities really keep you folks going. It's ok. Latter on things slow down.

Does Vanesa have a lot of school activities you have to attend also? Don't hear much about her life in the states. Hope she is enjoying it.