Thursday, April 8, 2010

Senior Serve Jackson, MS 2010

Here was our group of 19 - 15 teenagers and 4 adults - ready to take off at 5pm on March 30!! We arrived safely at 11am on Wed. morning and went right to work in the afternoon. The teenagers slept pretty well on the way - the 4 adults took turns driving :)
We worked at the John Perkins Foundation in Jackson, MS.
We did mostly outside work which was awesome since it was 80 degrees and sunny the whole time!! Here we are finishing up a foundation that was started

We cleaned up around all the fences and houses too!!

After the foundation was completed we cleaned up the parking lot

We had devotions every morning with John Perkins!!

These guys were getting tired so Mike offered them a ride - it was quite the load

On Saturday we had a day away and went to the Ross Barnett Reservior and rented two pontoon boats and enjoyed the whole day on the water - was gorgeous!!

We went to the Voice of Calvary Ministries on Easter morning and worshipped there - was really neat - we have a sermon on 1. having an attitude of love - 2.being an extension of His love and presence - 3. showing an expression of His power and person. Was very fitting for our trip and he ended the service saying "Our purpose is to Glorify God ALWAYS"

After the service I couldn't resist holding this little doll - Mike seen me heading in her direction and immediately said "I know exactly where you are going and what you are going to do" and yes he was right - I could have so taken her home.
Was a super trip - we left on Sunday after church around 10:30am and returned safely at 4:30am Monday morning - Mike and I are still a bit tired but all is well - we can tell we aren't 18 anymore and yes we do need our rest!!!

1 comment:

Ladene said...

How very nice. Looks like you all did a lot of needed work and got along great.

Poor Mike!!!! Bet that wagon ride almost broke your back.

Your little quitie is just that. I can see why you fell in love with her. Reminds me of darling little David. They all look so happy.