Tuesday, August 3, 2010

just a few updates!

Last year on Jamie's birthday Dave Roberts asked Jamie if she wanted to scuba dive for her birthday - this is a guy from town that has all the equipment and is certified to dive - well he was at the pool the other day and asked me if Jamie would like that again - Jamie was standing right next to me and I said you can ask her and he didn't recognize her from last year - he was amazed how much she had grown-up into a young lady - well she said yes and we went scuba diving on Sunday afternoon at the pool and yes Marcus got to go this year also - he thought that was pretty cool.
Jamie remembered it all and took right off - was a good time again!

He even took Jamie and Marcus to the bottom of the deep this year - they enjoyed that too.

Jamie and Josie spent quite a bit of time together - Josie came with us on Sunday and she stayed over night as well - this picture is Monday morning - they went to Western and lifted and worked out from 7-9am and then came home and is was pouring rain outside and they decided to go play in the rain - was fun watching them run around - here Jamie just realized she had on white shorts and they weren't so white anymore :) Not a big deal - I treated them like they were football pants and soaked them for a good hour and then washed them - they look fine again.

This is our parking lot by the garage we got 2 more inches of rain on Monday - the ground is so wet - that it takes awhile for it all to soak in lately - and yes they do say we might get some more rain before the week is up - we might have a chance for another play date :)

1 comment:

Ladene said...

Looks like great fun. Nice Roberts asked her to do it again this year and she remembered all the right things.

I'll bet it didn't take long for Marcs to catch on either.