Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Church Retreat 2010

Our church retreat was this past weekend at Inspiration Hills - we had a great time and here are some of the activities we were involved in! Jamie and Sawyer are having minnow races here - each have a minnow on their side and you have a straw and help blow your minnow over the finish line! Sawyer is winning - I think Jamie's minnow is fighting her :)
They also had many crafts along - here they are making sand crosses with colored sand (Mike's pickup is in the back of this picture and that is the cabin we stayed in - I really should have taken a nicer picture of it b/c they were really nice and the girls loved it) We had 7 freshman girls in our cabin with Mike and I - they had a loft area and they camped out up there which was awesome since they also had their own bathroom up there too!!

Then there was the volleyball tournament(two teams - some dads and sixth grade girls against the freshman girls)

This is the winning team - not by much though - all three games were very close - these are the girls that were in our cabin as well plus Josie she came later!!

And the 2nd place team - they were very competitive as well - even had some grass stains on those white shirts!!

Then in the evening came the dunk tank - that number six is yes Jamie and yes that is her mother up on the tank - and yes she got me in on her first time up to throw - she must have her dad's arm because there is no way I would have hit the target - I got dunked as least 8 to 10- times and it was quite chilly too - but it was to raise money for Feed My Starving Children so it all went to a great cause.

I would just hold myself so tight cuz you never know when they are going to hit it - Mike didn't try to get me in - just gave the girls money to try and enjoyed watching them get me - I think out of the 6 girls that were there at the time - 3 of them dropped me - I gave Jamie a big hug when I was finished.
Was a very fun weekend and the weather was perfect - we had church out there on Sunday morning and then dinner was served to us and then we came home and took naps in the afternoon!!

1 comment:

Ladene said...

Good Girl--you even got a smile on your face.

Looks like a nice bunch of kids you had in your cabin. Also looks like everyone was having fun. Keep up the good work-you guys.