Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Garden is in full bloom!!!

Mike has been taking awesome care of his gardens - thought I'd just share how they were looking - Zinnias are blooming, then there is lettuce which we are enjoying lots this year, carrots, beans( we are picking tonight when garden gets in the shade) onions, peppers and then......

Mike's tomatoes this year - WOW - they are as tall as the sweet corn and ......

taller then me ( I'm not too good at taking pictures of myself-concentrating so hard didn't even smile-sorry)

Sweet corn and then the potatoes - I am so anxious for the potatoes and to make potatoe salad too - but I will be patient!!

And here is the other garden - the cucumbers, squash, zucchini and popcorn......

Zucchini that I just picked - we are eating lots of vegetables and enjoying them too - He had Kohlrabi in lower garden too but they are finished and were amazing as well!!! Soon we will be busy canning and freezing :)


Ladene said...

Boy does your garden look great. Wish we had your dirt. Watering sure helps things do better.

We have blosoms on the tomatoes, but as yet have no tomatoes. We do have squash on te plants and pepper.

What th heck did you do to your tomatoes to make them taller than you and the corn?

Glad you are having veg. this summer. Easier to make a meal, isn't it?

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

I think Mike got my green thumb as well as his own. Looks great.

Mike and Belinda said...

Not sure how they got so tall - we had alot of nice early rains and now the heat on them is making them grow, grow, grow!!!
AND yes makes meals lots easier to make - always something ready to eat and easily accessible!!!