Friday, May 2, 2008

Rock Valley is on the map this morning

We had a tornado come through Rock Valley last night - everyone is fine but did lots of damage on some places. My sister Becky lost a building on her farm and the swing set is all twisted up. Some of her neighbors had quite a bit of damage - 2 buildings of hog finishers by one place is gone - then it came right toward our house (very scary ) and at the last minute it took off toward the west - our neighbor a mile away had his machine shed taken - its gone!! then it hit 3 businesses - C & J Construction, Midwest Pro Manufacturing and Dairy place. Everyone lost power for awhile since there was 1/2 miles with lines down. Then it headed for Brad and Kerri's - their neighbor got hit the worst - he ran a livestock trucking business - all three of his buildings are down - livestock pots lifted and laid on the road - one of their corn bins is spread out in Brad's field and tin all twisted up in the trees - windows blown out of the house but the house is still standing. One of those things you think you only ever see on TV - was right here. Mike is still gone to Connecticut he is on his way home today - Jamie was really scared and Marcus was excited and taking pictures with his phone - everyone deals with these situations differently. I'm just very thankful everyone is OK and damages were to fictures and not lives. Much to be thankful for again and God is good. Kerri was on the news since she videod the whole thing from her porch - hopefully I can get some of her pictures to share with you soon.


Ladene said...

My- that is close enough. We also had heavy weather in this area again, but so far not much damage, but tornado's continue to be predicted. Do send puicutres. Marcus sounds like me, watching it all. Glad you are well, and I bet you missed Mike.

Unknown said...

Goodness, I am glad you all are okay!

Kryna said...

Wow, that is close. I don't like them at all. You just feel so helpless. So glad you are are all safe!