Sunday, September 21, 2008

Salsa - Salsa - Salsa

It's salsa time and to date we have canned 83 pints of salsa - we are now going to switch to Spaghetti sauce - we have enough salsa to eat and share for awhile. Between canning and football games and volleyball games - we have no time to clean house - busy doing a quick pick up right now before Mike gets back from Arkansas - he just texted me he was in Iowa already - I better keep up the pick up or he might have to help when he gets here :)


Ladene said...

How is the spagetti doing? We should have taken more to AR. and you would not have as much to work with. Every thing is going well. Evonne has been with us since Sunday. got the groceries-made 10 cassorales- She did all the house work-got gas in the car-played cards- etc. Thanks again Mike for coming. You helped make so many plans and took care of us so well.
Keep posting.

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Happy Birthday Good Lookin. Sorry I'm late. Lots going on, on this end.
We almost ate a full jar of salsa in one setting the other night. It really was good.