Monday, April 6, 2009

This Week in a nutshell!

Jamie is doing great again - she finally has her spunk back and looking great again!! YEAH
She is easing back into sports at school - has track and soccer going on at the same time - she has a game tomorrow but since she hasn't practiced yet - she is not going to this one and we will see about next week - Marcus is trying to help her with strength training at home - fun to see them at it together - Marcus is tough on her if she isn't doing it right - fun to watch - and by the way I need to do it also - can't keep up with either one - I think that I am aging some :(

Mike leaves on Senior Serve with the church group on Tuesday - 13 seniors and 4 adults to Texas to build fences and do a little site seeing - should be a good time and warm weather!

Jamie asked grandpa Dale to go on Daddy date night for Gems Tuesday night since Mike leaves at 5:30 and the date starts at 7 - grandpa was thrilled - it's a Mexican theme!

Jamie has Easter break Thur, Fri, and Mon. - Marcus has break Fri and Mon. - both are looking forward to that as well.

We have Good Friday service Friday night and Easter dinner by Mom on Sunday. Mike cames home on Monday sometime.

Wishing everyone a very BLESSED EASTER!

1 comment:

Ladene said...

Sure glad to hear Jamie is doing better. Very good to hear the kids support each other trying to return to normal health. Yeh! Maybe you should excerise also. That's a laugh. You kill yourself walking (something I don't enjoy), although while in college, Lois and I would walk around the section in less than an hour. No walking paths at that time.

I'm sure Mike will be a big help in Tx. and also have fun with the young folks.

The kids around here have extra days off for Easter also. We don't have many plans. Cindy works and the girls go to Jeff. We have sunrise services and pancake breakfast. Just like when you kids were here about 2 years ago. Then we have a 20 minute cantata before the sermon. It is a very pretty rendation of "Love grows where the blood fell.."

Have a Blessed Easter.