Friday, July 31, 2009

Jamie had a fun-filled birthday!

We picked up a cake at Casey's bakery on Saturday and had cake and ice cream with grandma and grandpa Pollema on Sunday after church!

Here is our teenager!!

Spent the day with her best friend Josie Kollis on her birthday - getting ready to scuba!!

Jamie went first

Here we go

Next was Josie's turn

First time Mike was in the pool this year and he went also - YEAH!!
Everyone had a great time and Josie and Jamie did it again the next day and went into the deep end of the pool - very exciting for them and they were very relaxed and pros from the get-go!

Smiles are priceless - enjoy your teenage years girls - love ya!!


Ladene said...

How Neat. Do you take lessons for this or is the pool open to scuba just certain times?

What a cake--Choc.-or white? Glad you had a good day.

Mike and Belinda said...

There is a guy certified and he offers it over his noon hour or during supper break at the pool - he does it just to get people informed and excited about it - very nice deal.

White cake - Jamie's favorite!!