Friday, July 24, 2009

Marcus left on the plane this morning

Marcus took off this morning from Sioux Falls, SD to go to the youth convention with our young peoples in Ashville, NC. 24 people left - we left at 3:30am from church - I helped drive them to Sioux Falls airport - boy did they know when we showed up with 24 people to check in at one time - but all went smoothly and Marcus is already landed in NC - noone got sick and the convention starts tomorrow at noon - 20 young peoples and 4 adults at a hotel tonight that hotel might never be the same :)
The convention theme for this year is LIVING INSIDE OUT - hope they all have a great time and they come back next Wed. the 29th.


Ladene said...

Hey! that's great. I didn't know he was going to be doing that.

Hope it's a great convention. 20kids and 4 adults. Nice group.

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Good for him. I and all of my kids always loved church camps and stuff. Hope they have a great time.

Too bad you couldn't have been one of the adults.